Before we get started here I just want to say that this is not a list of must have items for your bug out bag, you can find those everywhere. This post is about some uncommon bug out bag ideas that would be great to have, but most are not absolutely necessary.
Here is a bug out bag checklist that goes over everything you should have in your bug out bag. Also, you can check out what I have in my bug out bag. If you live in an urban or suburban area, I also have a few bug out bag tips here.
Sometimes we need to weigh want vs need, and most of these fall into the want category…but they are definitely cool! I have a post about necessary bug out bag supplies here if you would like to have a look.
We all love the new survival gadgets (I do!) and everyday it seems like we find something new that we put on our wish list.
I understand that these are not going to save my life, and some of these survival supplies we find are “gimmicky” and a little like reinventing the wheel, but the ones I added to this list are actually useful in a survival situation, or just on camping trips.
Believe it or not I got some of these ideas by looking through Pinterest. I’ll talk a little about Pinterest for prepping later in this post, and why it ranks right up there with YouTube for finding survival and preparedness information, but let’s have a look at this list first.
(You can click the title of each of these for more information)
1. Toilet paper tablets (Compressed Towel): I’m not sure if the original intention of these towels was for cleaning your hind quarters, but as preppers we are always looking for multi-use items, and this definitely fits the bill.

These can be used to clean more than just your backside, they can also be used to filter water and even cleaning or wrapping wounds.
2. Potassium Permanganate: This stuff is just fun to play with, you can make fire, clean drinking water and even use as a wound disinfectant.
The concentration of potassium permanganate to water is different for each application, the video above shows how to use it for all three.
3. Battery Adapters: These could turn out to be very useful in an emergency situation. If we need a C size battery and all we have are double A’s, something like this could be the difference between having a flashlight or just a fancy candle holder.

I haven’t tested these out yet but they are on the way. One of the things I love about running Survivalist Prepper is that I can talk Lisa into letting me buy stuff like this in the name of research.
4. Solar Charger: There are all sorts of different solar chargers, and it all depends on your needs. There are smaller ones for charging devices like phones and tablets, to larger ones that will work with smaller household appliances.

My preference when it comes to solar charging is Goal Zero, but there are some cheaper alternatives on eBay. Just keep in mind, you get what you pay for. The last thing you want is to think you are covered only to have your sullies fail.
I recently did a video about one of the lower cost solar chargers that you can view here.
5. Survival Slingshot: This was brought to my attention from a member of the Apoco-List and just look fun! I plan on making my own in the future and when I do I will post the video.

These can be useful for hunting small game and would be easier to carry than a .22 long rifle. You could also keep something like this in your car and not risk Johnny Law flipping out on you.
6. Bear Star: This is one of those “not going to save your life” items, unless of course you are bugging out and a bear decides to give you a visit.

If you need to hang a hammock or hang your supplies in a tree this could be very useful, like they say on the website “it beats a rock and paracord.”
7. Paracord Belt: This belt was put together by Eric from Prepinstein Designs and is available at WazooSurvivalGear.com
We are always looking for ways to free up space in our bug out bags without sacrificing the supplies we need, and wearing the supplies is one way to do that. I recently had Eric on the podcast, you can listen to that here. (After January 26th)
8. GoGirl: I’m not going to pretend to know a lot about how this works, but I get the gist haha. If you are female you know better than me if this is just a gimmick, or if it could be useful…I’ll leave it up to the ladies.

I do know that my family and I have enjoyed camping my entire life and the women seem to do just fine. Unless Lisa wants to do some research on this one, I don’t think I will be buying one anytime soon.
9. Heated Gloves: Most of us probably have hand warmers and it’s not a good idea to depend on technology for our survival, but these are pretty cool.

I have a pair of these and they work great, although right now they are more of a comfort item than a survival item to me.
10. Ontario SPAX Tool: In a past podcast I talked to Chris from TheBugOutBagGuide.com about urban survival and he mentioned this tool.

Here is the description from eBay: “The Ontario SPAX military breaching tool features an 8″ 1095 HC blade, .250″ thick. The blade has a non-reflective black epoxy powder coating and a hole to open and close fire hydrants/gas valves. The SPAX Tool has full length tang construction; ribbed black Kraton handle for secure grip, and a lanyard hole.”
11. Walking Pole Zombie Tool: The odds of a zombie outbreak are slim to none yet we all love this stuff.

These are a bit pricey for my taste, but it does give me some ideas about what I could do with the supplies I have around the house.
12. Camp Grill: What I like about this GrilliPut Duo is its compact size, although it isn’t an actual camp stove it might still come in handy if you had to dig a small fire pit.

I put this on my wish list because of its cost and because this is something I can test out while camping and see how it works.
13. Pocket Chinsaw: This is a little more bulky than the typical wire saw some of us have in out bug out bags, but depending on your situation you might need something a little heartier.

If you plan on doing a lot of building shelter or practicing your wilderness survival skills, this might come in handy.
14. Spigot Key: If you click the spigot key link you can read the post from GeekPrepper about why this 4-way Sillcock tool will be useful in an urban area. Here is what he wrote about it…

“You’ll find restricted water many places. Next time you are out, start looking on the exterior walls of businesses, Malls, large buildings and even rest stops and you’ll quickly notice the secure restricted water spigots. All it takes is one inexpensive tool to make that restricted water accessible to you all.”
15. Hammer Axe Multi-Tool: Yet another tool that could be considered overkill, but still pretty neat. If I were to get one of these for my birthday I wouldn’t complain.

My only concern about these is the reliability, with so many moving parts something is bound to fail. The reviews on this tool for the most part are good, but as a gift…not a survival tool.
Searching Pinterest for Prepping Ideas
As I said earlier I have found quite a bit of great prepping and survival information on Pinterest. I even have a Pinterest account that you can go to by clicking the icon at the top of this website, or just click here.
Pinterest seems to have blown up lately when it comes to prepping, and anything to do with bug out bags. You’re far more likely to find something you are looking for on Pinterest than you are by Googling it.
Be careful though, you might get sucked in by all the great stuff there. You might begin looking at long term food storage stuff, and 45 minutes later you are still there looking at something totally different.
Do you have anything that you would consider uncommon bug out bug ideas? Leave a comment below and let everyone know.
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18 replies to "15 Uncommon Bug Out Bag Ideas"
I think you need to buy a go girl…another fine blog Dale…
I have and use the pocket chainsaw. It is a pretty good tool. My main use is to cut firewood when camping. I like using it better than an axe to get the logs to length because it leaves a clean bottom like a chainsaw would. It allows the logs to sit stable while splitting with my axe.
The grill is amazing Dale, I worked up in Lefthand Canyon right after the flood and was listening to a book on tape one day, heard it mentioned and bought one. Here is my simple review of the product…
After breaking it out and reading the directions I had several people come over to see what I was doing. They laughed at me being such a “prepper” and I felt like a three year old with chopsticks putting it together the first time but it worked and was able to get two small steaks on it.
The design is great and works well. The clean up is easy and while it weighs more than my old fold out small grill the space saving and ease of packing is worth it.
I do highly recommend using it once or twice prior to exposing yourself to a crowd. I love it and keep in my day bag now. You just never know in Colorado.
Be well.
Great post, all neat stuff and a few of them I have never seen before.
Thanks Dale! I had never heard of Potassium Permanganate, that stuff is awesome! Especially cool that it will work in driving rain.
Thanks Andrew, I love this stuff…it’s like a science project haha
These are some great suggestions. I’m gonna pick up some of those compressed towels. The battery adapters would come in handy as well. Never thought about either of those items before this. THANKS!
Sterno makes a foldable stove out of aluminum that uses a small can of sterno for fuel. The actual stove is only about 5 dollars, and 2 cans of 2.5 hour sterno is also about 5 dollars.
While I don’t have a Go Girl, I do have a similar item called a PStyle that I love and definitely recommend for any female going out in the woods or using the hole-in-the-ground state park bathrooms. You don’t have to worry about poison ivy on your nether bits and for short girls it’s damn near impossible to squat over those toilets. Not to mention the spiders that like to build their webs right across them.
Personally, I want salt, pepper and chili powder. Not a lot, but definitely some of each. If there’s a possibility I could be eating squirrel, rabbit, and dandelion, I at least want some seasoning! Also, I think salt replacement will be just as important as staying hydrated, especially in summer. Why does no one have this on their list? A handful of multivitamins wouldn’t be a bad thing, either…
My bail out bag is a Kelty child carrier. I have a 4 year old (who still fits) and a 2 year old. In the child section I have a child front carrier. I’m a big boy, and can carry both while making good time. If my wife is bailing without me, the Kelty has a good suspension and she can carry the essentials (prepacked in the bag) and the 2 year old while making 4 year old being dragged speed. If we’re both bailing out together (optimal choice), then I can carry the 4 year old while she carries the 2 year old and we can make adult level speed. I routinely carry the 2 year old in a comparable pack and have the 4 year old ride on my shoulders. The view isn’t great for the 2 year old, but life is rough for the FNG. Having everyone in the carriers means they won’t get dislodged if we have to move expeditiously.
I’ve had a hammer version of the Axe multi tool for close to 5 years now, I will add this isn’t the greatest quality thing out there, Springs have come undone and more, I’d give it 2 out of 5 stars
I’ve never seen these kind of tips before. These are very helpful . I personally like those heated gloves and the solar panel. I does really make sense to have these on your kit.
I’ve never seen quite like it. these is a very helpful and it is the first time I’ve read this tips. Thanks.
Great article, Dale! You can never be too prepared with some of these great, uncommon items.
The SPAX TOOL is just an emergency escape tool the USAF has on aircraft. You can pick them up cheap on surplus sites or government auctions. We got twelve for two bucks at auction.
Remember the Pipeline Pocket Fisherman? This would be a great asset. I also believe mace or bear deterrent. Or perhaps a Taser for self-defense.
That go girl (aka she wee) is legit. Not a female myself, but the Army provided these for female soldiers in my unit when we were in Iraq. Not a lot of bushes for gals to squat behind out there and this provided some dignity for them.