Update: 30 Best Prepper Websites & Survival Blogs (2023)

20 Prepper Websites To Bookmark

As I research for SurvivalistPrepper.net, I come across quite a few other prepper websites and survival blogs. This list started at 20, but as I updated it, the list grew to 30 prepping websites. the top 20 prepping and survival websites are updated and current, the rest are from the original article.

I’m sure you are just like me and are constantly looking for information about current events and trying to stay one step ahead of the game. Not only am I trying to stay up to date, but I am also constantly looking for ways to educate myself about how to survive when something catastrophic happens.

So, I put together this list to share with you some of, in my opinion, the best websites out there – prepper websites that offer real value without all the fluff and hype.

What are the Best Prepper Websites and Survival Blogs?

This list is not in a particular order because all of these websites have something different to offer. Below is the video we did over at TheSurvivalPreppers Rumble channel that goes through our top 10 prepping websites.

1. Prepper Website (Aggregation Site)

Prepper Website

This is probably the first website I go to daily. This is a news aggregation website, and Todd continually adds content from the best websites around the web.

You will probably find some other websites you love that are not on this list. And if you’re in need of a thorough prepper checklist, check out the Prepper Website’s FREE checklist.

Click Here To Visit: Prepper Website

2. The Organic Prepper

the organic prepper website

You’ve probably heard of this fantastic website and if you haven’t, go now! The Organic Prepper website is definitely in my top 10 websites because Daisy and her team of international writers run the gambit from prepping to current events. While you’re there, make sure to check out Organic Prepper’s Self-Reliance & Survival store, full of helpful e-books and preparedness courses. Whether you are a beginning prepper or have been doing it for a while, you’ll love the site.

Click here To Visit: The Organic Prepper

3.  The Prepared

The Prepared Website

The Prepared is a values-driven website that provides information on preparedness topics such as food storage and bug-out bags. The site is well-organized and provides a great user experience, with clear instructions on how to prepare for a variety of challenges. An especially helpful article that you should take a look at is The Prepared’s Bug-Out Bag Checklist. Overall, The Prepared is an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning more about food storage and survival skills.

Click Here To Visit: The Prepared

4.  Preppers Daily News (Aggregation Site)

Preppers Daily News Website

This website is an aggregator site similar to Prepper Website. Because it’s an aggregator site, it offers wide-ranging, good advice and the latest survival news for beginning preppers and seasoned preppers alike. Preppers Daily News updates so often; it’s definitely a site to check daily.

Click Here To Visit: Preppers Daily News

5. Survivalist Prepper

The Survivalist Prepper Website

My Survivalist Prepper website is a comprehensive resource for those interested in preparedness. The site offers detailed guides on topics such as water purification, food storage, and first aid. In addition, the site provides links to the BugOutLocation.com members area and my online store, the SHTFShop.com.

Click Here To Visit: Survivalist Prepper

6. Mind4Survival

Mind4Survival website

Mind4Survival is a non-political, preparedness-focused website and podcast hosted by Brian Duff. Brian stresses the mindset side of preparedness with articles such as SHTF Planning. He also provides “best of” articles, such as the Best Survival Movies.

Click Here To Visit: Mind4Survival

7. Urban Survival Site

Urban Survival Prepping Website

The Urban Survival Site website is an excellent resource for urbanites who want to be prepared for anything. The site covers a wide range of topics, from emergency supplies and food storage to self-defense and first aid. If you’re interested in prepper gear, I recommend this post on Free Survival Gear.

Click Here To Visit: Urban Survival Site

8. The Prepper Journal

The Prepper Journal Website

The Prepper Journal is a survival blog that is dedicated to a wide variety of preparedness, survival, self-reliance, and personal defense topics for readers who want to protect themselves and their families from disasters and future problems. Pat Henry started the Prepper Journal and Podcast in 2013 with the goal of helping people become more prepared for life’s curve balls.

Click Here To Visit: The Prepper Journal

9. Primal Survivor

Primal Survivor Website

Primal Survivor states, “Our mission is simple – we want to be the most comprehensive and supportive Survival and Prepping website around.” Primal Survivor’s site has a ton of original content and a great set of Preparedness Calculators to help with all of your preparedness computations.

Click Here To Visit: Primal Survivor

10. Survivopedia

survivopedia website

According to the Survivopedia website, it “helps people regain their peace of mind – by becoming more self-reliant and self-sufficient in all aspects of life: from putting food on the table to keeping your loved one safe, and staying in good health.” And, Survivopedia hits that mark with articles like 9 Ways To DIY A Low Effort & Cheap Bomb Shelter.

Click Here To Visit: Survivopedia

11. The Survival Blog

the survival blog

The Survival Blog is another fantastic site for the preparedness-minded. It offers a large volume of self-reliance and prepping information. What it also offers is the opportunity for writing-minded preppers with a good thought or “how to” knowledge to share their knowledge with others and get rewarded through a contest full of awesome prepping prizes.

Click Here To Visit: The Survival Blog

12. Survival Sherpa

survival sherpa website

The motto of the Survival Sherpa website is, “Helping each other on the climb to self-reliance and preparedness…the Survival Sherpa way…One step at a time.” In my opinion, that’s really what preparedness is all about. So, go check out Survival Sherpa today and get prepped!

Click Here To Visit: Survival Sherpa

13. SHTFPlan

shtfplan website

SHTFPlans, several daily updates make it an excellent site to frequent for preparedness info. If you’re in the mood for acquiring “expert manuals” to help level up your preparedness, definitely stop in and check them out.

Click Here To Visit: SHTFPlan

14. Modern Survival Blog

modern survival blog

The Modern Survival Blog states that it “…is about living a Practical Sensible Preparedness Lifestyle – coupled with a spirit of Self Reliance, an extent of Sustainable Living – all while pursuing Life, Liberty, and Happiness.” That’s certainly a great way of thinking! One way the Modern Survival Blog helps accomplish that is through its Prepping and Preparedness Level 1-4 Series Overview. You won’t go wrong by checking it out.

Click Here To Visit: Modern Survival Blog

15. Skilled Survival

skilled survival website

Skilled survival is another site full of great preparedness information. Whether it’s “how to” or survival gear articles, Skilled Survival has you covered.  Its common sense prepping article makes it an enjoyable site to visit for preppers and non-preppers alike.

Click Here To Visit: Skilled Survival

16. The Apartment Prepper

apartment prepper website

It’s no secret that not every prepper lives on 20 acres out in the middle of nowhere. Some of our community, due to their circumstances, live smack dab in the middle of a city, in a high-rise apartment complex. And that’s exactly what Apartment Prepper covers. So, if you’re living in a small space, go check it out today!

Click Here To Visit: The Apartment Prepper

17. True Prepper

true prepper website

True Prepper, as with all of the sites mentioned here, provides a strong overview of preparedness. It does that by providing a variety of perspectives to help everyone drill down into their preparedness. One way True Prepper helps the prepper community is through its Survival Gear Giveaways, where everyone has the opportunity to win some great prizes.

Click Here To Visit: True Prepper

18. The Prepping Guide

the prepping guide website

The Prepping Guide is an excellent site. It hosts a ton of information covering prepping, survival, finance & tech, homesteading, guides, gear, and bags. If you haven’t checked out The Prepping Guide, you should head over and give it a look.

Click Here To Visit: The Prepping Guide

19. reThinkSurvival

rethink survival website

This is an easy to follow site, with a lot of great preparedness. ReThinkSurvival  is dedicated to providing top-notch family emergency preparedness resources, tools, and tips to better prepare you and your family for nearly any disaster or emergency situation. They guarantee it.

Click Here To Visit: reThinkSurvival

20. Off-Grid Survival

Off Grid Survival Website

These guys are a little more hard-core when it comes to prepping. This website tells it and offers advice for survival, self-defense, and the latest news. 

Click Here To Visit: Off-Grid Survival

21. Off-Grid News

off the grid news website

This website covers various topics like living off the grid, learning to garden or self-sufficiency, current events, and self-defense. Off-grid News also offers new videos daily and a great weekly radio show. 

Click Here To Visit: Off Grid News

22. American Preppers Network

Along with great information about learning to be self-reliant, you will also find a forum on this website. I’m not sure about you, but I love forums because you can get real perspectives from people interested in the same thing as you – surviving. 

Click Here To Visit: American Preppers Network

23. Survival Pulse

survival pulse website

This website has excellent information, just like the Prepper Website Survival Pulse offers daily updates with some of the best and most current prepping and survival articles around the internet. 

Click Here To Visit: Survival Pulse

24. The Homestead Survival

the homestead survival website

If you’re looking for doom and gloom, you won’t find it here. This website is all about learning the skills you might need in the future. And even if we don’t, they are still good skills to have. 

Click Here To Visit: The Homestead Survival

25. Suburban Survival Blog

I like this website because I am the person they write about. I live 30 miles outside of Denver, away from the “big city,” but not so far away that I can not still be affected by it. Have a look at their about page and see if you might be interested too.

Click Here To Visit: Suburban Survival Blog

26. My Family Survival Plan

my family survival plan

Everyone should be concerned about the survival and well-being of their family. I know I am. This website will give you some advice on how to do that.

Click Here To Visit: My Family Survival Plan

27. Bacon And Eggs

bacon and eggs website

Get back to the simple life. This website is not about surviving a zombie apocalypse, so you will have to look elsewhere if you want that. But if you want recipes, tips on gardening, and tips on storing food, this is the website for you. 

Click Here To Visit: Bacon And Eggs

28. Survival Life

survival life website

Survival life is just what it sounds like, survival skills. You can learn how to build a stove out of a tin can and other ways to be self-sufficient. 

Click Here To Visit: Survival Life

29. Willow Haven Outdoors

willow haven outdoors website

Survival is not only about having the skills to build a shelter or tie a knot. It is also about your mental ability to handle challenging situations. This website gives you a little of both. 

Click Here To Visit: Willow Haven Outdoors

30. Back Woods Home Magazine

backwoods home website

This website is all about self-reliance, homesteading, and going back to the basics. In the case of an economic collapse or some other catastrophe that brings this country to its knees, you will need skills like these. Why not learn them now?

Click Here To Visit: Back Woods Home Magazine

What Makes a Quality Prepper Site?

A quality prepper site should offer practical advice for those who want to be prepared for anything.

Many good websites are owned and operated by people who are part of the prepping community. As a result, they offer practical and actionable resources and support for those who want to join the preparedness movement.

The site should also be updated regularly to always have access to the latest information. Finally, the site should be user-friendly so that users can easily find the information they need.

How Can Survival Websites Help My Disaster Preparedness?

Survival websites can be a valuable resource when it comes to disaster preparedness. They can provide survival tips for various situations, from severe weather events to power outages. They can also help you learn how to store food and water properly and create a family preparedness plan.

In addition, survival websites can be a great way to connect with other people interested in preparedness and survival. By sharing information and tips, you can help each other be better prepared for anything that comes your way.

So, if you’re looking for ways to improve your disaster preparedness, be sure to check out some of the survival websites listed here.

Best Prepper Websites and Survival Blogs Wrap-Up

This is a list of the best prepper websites and emergency survival sites that I use regularly. While it is nowhere near a complete list, it is a good starting point for any beginning prepper and an excellent way to avoid all the websites with their own agenda in mind.

This list is only a tiny percentage of the survival sites out there. As we all know in the preparedness community, there are many more.

Are there any sites I missed or that you feel differently about? If so, let us know in the comments below.

