What Are The 6 Areas of PreparednessWhether you are preparing for a week or a year the 6 areas or preparedness should be your considered in everything you do while prepping. The 6 areas of preparedness are food, water, shelter, security, sanitation and first aid…not in any certain order.

These are the building blocks of any good preparedness plan. How you prepare in each of these areas will depend on your personal situation, but they need to be included in every preparedness plan.

SPP202 The 6 Areas of Preparedness


There aren’t a lot of show notes this week, because I have written extensively about the 6 areas of preparedness in the past. I will however briefly cover what we talked about in the show, and then give you a couple of links that go into more detail. If you have any questions about any of these 6 areas of preparedness, leave a comment below.

Storing Food

How much food you store, and what you store is completely up to you. There are many suggestions about food storage in the prepper community, but your finances, family size, and storage space all need to be considered. The only wrong way to store food is to not have any when you need it.

In this weeks show we talked about: Different ways to find and store food, pantry food, long term food storage products, preserving food, hunting, wild edibles, and SHTF fuel and cooking options.

A Preppers Food Storage: One Sizes Does not Fit All

Long Term Food Storage Techniques & Ideas

Mother Natures Wilderness Survival Foods

Water Storage & Safety

These days all you have to do is turn on your faucet and you have clean drinking water, but what if that wasn’t the case? Most people wouldn’t even know where to start if they had to clean their water, but you do, right? Honestly, cleaning water and making it drinkable isn’t as hard as it seems, it just takes a little bit of knowledge.

If you are confused at all about how to clean your water, and what might be in it, I wrote this article titled What’s the Right Water Filter For Preppers? This article goes over different types of filters, as well as what they will (and will not) remove.

In the show we talked about: How much water to store, what a water filter can do, what is a micron, why treat stored water, and alternatives to storing water.

Finding and Storing Water for Preppers

Finding Water In the City When the SHTF

SHTF Water Filtering and Purification For Preppers

Survival Shelter 

When it comes to survival shelter, your home is the most important. Disasters come in different shapes and sizes, and bugging out might not be necessary. Our home is our base camp, so leaving it should be avoided if possible. With that being said, bugging out may be unavoidable, and we need to have the skills and knowledge to do so.

In the show we talked about: What is shelter? Protecting yourself from the elements, your home ,and bug out shelter.

How Many Bug Out Locations Do You Need?

Wilderness Survival skills for Preppers

Tips for Successfully Bugging In

Personal Security

Your personal security starts with you, and extends to your home and your surroundings. Everything we do on a daily basis either puts us at risk, or makes us safer. Everything from what we do online, to protecting our home from intruders needs to be considered on a daily basis.

In the show we talked about: Security around the home, bugging out, self defense, online security, OPSEC , and Situational awareness.

SHTF Perimeter Security: What You Can Do Now, To Prepare For Then

Being the Gray man & Situational Awareness

Large and Small Scale Escape & Evasion Tactics for Preppers

15 SHTF Perimeter Security and Alarm Ideas


One commonly overlooked aspect of preparedness is sanitation. With the availability of over the counter medications, medical facility’s, and being lucky enough to live in a first world country, we don’t think about the dangers of bad sanitation. In a SHTF situation it’s not just about body odor and stinky feet. It’s about preventing illness, and not adding to an already bad situation.

In the show we talked about: Sanitation around the home, personal hygiene, sickness prevention, and SHTF Sanitation in general.

Podcast: SHTF Sanitation

Foodborne Illness and Prevention for Preppers

SHTF Wound Care: Safety & Sanitation

Post Collapse Sanitation, Diseases and Antibiotics

First Aid & Medical Skills

Whether you are a natural disaster, or an all out SHTF scenario, first aid should be one of your top priorities. Most of these basic first aid skills are easy to learn, and when you do, you’ll have a better idea about what supplies you need. In a survival situation, you might be the only option. You could literally make the difference between someone dying or living.

In the show we talked about: Basic first aid supplies, first aid skills and SHTF first aid.

First Aid and Medical Skills For Preppers

What Should Go In Your First Aid Kit Part 1

First Aid Supplies And Money Saving Tips For Prepers

Let Us Know…

If you have any questions or comments about the show, let us know below. Also, if you have any tips or advice that might help others, we’d love to hear that too.


Survival and being prepared should not only be a passion, it should be a lifestyle. The definition of a prepper is "An individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances, without substantial resources from outside sources" Like the Government, police etc. I don't believe that the end of the world will be the "end of the world" I believe it will be the end of the world as we know it now. You can also find me on Google Plus and Twitter

    1 Response to "What Are The 6 Areas of Preparedness?"

    • Solid article Dale, you really hammered it with the 6 areas. I’d like to add that it’s quite common for people to neglect some of these areas while giving too much attention to only a certain few.

      Do you think so?


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