SPP395: Emergency Power & Your Prepping Kryptonite
In todays show, I'll review my DIY solar power station build and discuss some necessary preparedness supplies we might need to power in an emergency. Depending on your climate, emergency heating
In todays show, I'll review my DIY solar power station build and discuss some necessary preparedness supplies we might need to power in an emergency. Depending on your climate, emergency heating
Because we recently passed our 10-year mark of doing videos and the Survivalist Prepper podcast, I want to look back during tonight's show and talk about how Our preparedness priorities
I've been working on the bugging out course at the BOL, and it reminded me why learning about bugging out is important. To most of us, bugging out is a
In today's podcast, I have All American Prepper on the show to discuss the importance of MAG groups or support groups, how he lives almost entirely off the grid, and
When it comes to deciding what the best cooking option is during an emergency grid-down situation for preppers, there are quite a few options available. On the other side of
I'll soon be doing videos testing different prepper meals and cooking in SHTF conditions. Tonight I will discuss some of these emergency cooking options and some precautions we should take
Preparing for short-term disaster scenarios is easy, and most of us have that figured out, but what about the longer term disasters? The reality of survival and the truth of how
https://youtube.com/live/Uwr45vMdsck We might be heading for a second civil war here in the U.S. at some point, but how likely is it really? And what can we do to prepare for
I have a great guest on todays show from Defenders USA to go over the importance of firearms training and self-defense. While we will be speaking specifically to people in