REASSESSING YOUR PREPAREDNESS PLANS If your anything like me, after a while your preparedness supplies become an unorganized mess. While some people are better than others with organization, it’s inevitable that things get moved, used or expire.

Over time our priorities also change. This could be because of the changing current events, or it could be because we have learned (or not learned) new skills. Because of this, it’s important to reassess our situation and do a preparedness checkup.

SPP233 Doing a Preparedness Checkup


We tried to make this a helpful show for people just getting interested in preparedness, as well as people who have been at it for a while. Regardless what level you’re at, it’s always a good idea to take a long hard look at your situation, and see where you stand.

If you are just starting out, it could be that you don’t realize how prepared you actually are. As you do an assessment you get a better idea about your preparedness, and uncover the areas you should focus on first.

If you’ve been prepping for a while, it never hurts to reassess your situation. Our situation changes over time, and it’s important to know how prepared we are, not just think we are prepared.

Topics From the Show…

In the show I talked about inventory and rotation, and the worksheets I use for this. This video will explain how to use them, and here are the links to the downloads.

Each one of these worksheets have ideas included, but if you want to start with a clean slate, just delete everything and start your own personalized list.

Challenges That Come Up…

Too Much Clutter: Over time we buy stuff we need, stuff we want, and stuff that we thought we needed. Over time things get moved around, and pretty soon we don’t know where anything is.

Inventory and Rotation: If we aren’t paying attention to our supplies, things can get out of hand quickly. This is why doing inventory and rotation are so important.

Complacency: At one point or another everyone of us have fallen into the complacency trap. This could be because we do really good with preparedness and let off the pedal, or finances could get in the way.

Unfinished Plans: If you are anything like me, you get really excited about something, and then somewhere along the line it fizzles out. If this is the case, it could be time to tie up some loose ends.

Overwhelm: This is a huge problem for people just getting interested in preparedness, but it’s also a challenge for people who have been at this for a while. When we focus on too many areas of preparedness we become a jack of all trades, master of none.

Reassessment and Initial Assessment

Whether you are just getting into preparedness, or have been at it a while, doing a personal assessment is basically the same. As a matter of fact, it may be a little easier at first because you don’t have as much. Here are a few ideas about assessing your preparedness plans that we talked about in the show

List Your Priorities: Over time our priorities will change. This could be because of current events, or changes n the family structure. As we learn new skills and our preparedness level changes, our priorities may change as well.

List Your Strength and Weaknesses: This is especially important as you are starting out, but also important for seasoned preppers. As our age, family structure and preparedness experience changes, so do our strengths and weaknesses.

Your Concerns: As time goes by, and different problems arise around the world, our concerns are bound to change. It’s important to reprioritize their importance. My main concern has always been an economic collapse, but that doesn’t mean it is the most likely at any certain time.

Preparedness Not Conspiracy: As preppers we need to focus on what we can control, and not get consumed by the things we can’t. We can’t control what is going on behind the scenes, but we can control how we react and prepare for it.

Keeping Up With the Jonses: One of our goals as preppers is to not be one of the sheep that follows blindly, the same holds true in the preparedness community. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing, or what everyone else has, worry about what you have.

Just in Time Learning: Take your list of weaknesses and prioritize them. Focus on your biggest weaknesses first and master them before you move on to the others. As I said earlier, it’s OK to be a jack of all trades, but we also need to be a master of some.

How prepared are you…really?

A trap we fall into from time to time is thinking we are more prepared than we actually are. If you are doing it right, and actually using your preparedness supplies, your preparedness level is bound to change over time.

It’s also important to note that just because you have 6 months of food and water stored doesn’t mean you’re prepared for 6 months. It may be a good start, but there are just too many other areas of preparedness, and too many variables that could derail your preparedness plans.

If you are just starting out, the odds are you are not giving yourself enough credit. As we begin to research preparedness we get the feeling we are woefully unprepared. If you follow the suggestion listed above, you will probably find you are more prepared than you thought, and feel more confident about your situation.

Other Helpful Resources

Completing a SWOT Analysis 

Budgeting and Prepping

Long Term Prepping Challenges

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Survival and being prepared should not only be a passion, it should be a lifestyle. The definition of a prepper is "An individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances, without substantial resources from outside sources" Like the Government, police etc. I don't believe that the end of the world will be the "end of the world" I believe it will be the end of the world as we know it now. You can also find me on Google Plus and Twitter

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