UPDATE: If you are looking for a great list of how to get started prepping, we recently wrote this article about the prepping basics that covers everything about preparedness from the ground up. LEarn how to build a strong foundation and put together a preparedness plan that works for any disaster or personal doomsday.
You see it all over the mainstream media as well as our favored alternative media websites, things are changing rapidly, and not for the better. You can feel it in your gut, things are going to go from bad to worse, and seem to be happening at alarmingly faster pace. With all the horrific things happening in our once great country, now is the time to prepare for the bad times that are inevitably coming.
But where do you begin? What can you do? The first thing is to start by making a list. Make a list of everything you want to do to prepare, and keep this list visible so you are always forcing yourself to look at it so you can be doing something to get prepared.
Food and Water Storage
This is HUGE and vitally important. Buy what you can, and start stocking up your pantry. Once your pantry is full, start looking for different places to store your food. You don’t want to keep everything in one central place. By dividing up where you store your food, you are preventing someone from knowing where all of your food is.
This pertains to water as well. This may seem like I am being paranoid, but in today’s climate, I think it isn’t being paranoid, it is being prepared. Think about it, if there are thousands of people entering our country illegally on a daily basis, and they are allowed to stay, and receive drivers’ licenses, welfare benefits, etc. Pretty soon, there will not be anything left for anyone, including us.
If it ever gets to this point, thanks to the NDAA, the government can come and take YOUR supplies, including food for the greater good. If you have your food storage split up in several different areas throughout your home, you will still have food to feed your family, even if they come and take some of your food.
So do yourself a favor and start buying and stashing nonperishable food items. The more you can put toward food now, the longer you will be able to feed your family in case everything goes bad in a hurry. And don’t overlook the water. We all know you can only live for three days without water, and three weeks without food. So now, while most things are abundant, stock up.
How many gallons of milk do you go through a week? What do you do with those empty milk jugs? Why not clean them, fill them up with water and put them away? No, plastic milk containers won’t last forever, but if you don’t have any water, wouldn’t you rather have something rather than nothing? And you don’t necessarily need to save that for drinking, but what about water for washing, cooking, or cleaning?
You will need water for more than just drinking. If nothing happens, great! You will be giving yourself a little bit of a cushion, or insurance against any number of possible things that can and will happen to every single family. If something does happen, then hopefully you will have enough food to last at least a few months, just in case.
Do you want to be like the sheeple and not plan ahead? I am thinking not, since you are hear and reading this article right now. And remember, it is never too late to begin becoming more prepared. So do what you can now to build up your pantry.
On a side note, if you are just starting out, purchasing a pre made kit Survival Kit will get you off on the right foot, but as you begin to grow in preparedness you will find you need a bit more survival gear for preparedness and homesteading.
Illness Prevention
With a rapid increase in immigrant population, there is always an increase of disease and sickness. Partially due to the people that are flooding in have immensities and their bodies have built up resistances to different bacteria’s, and viruses. However, the population that they will be moving into does not have the same immune system, so they are at risk of developing illnesses. And in some cases, serious illnesses such as tuberculosis and even Ebola which are being introduced into the new areas where these people are going. So you need to plan and prepare for this. Illness can be like wildfire, and sweep through a population causing sickness and even death. And going to the hospital can actually increase one’s risk of becoming sick. So how do you prevent this from happening to you and your family? You stay healthy! And how do you do this? Eat right, and wash your hands. Washing your hands is the number one way to prevent the spread of sickness. The second is to keep yourself healthy by getting enough sleep, and eating well. Make sure you get enough protein, fluids, and calories. Stop eating processed food. Not only is it not good for you, but in a SHTF scenario, it won’t be around, so give it up now. This will keep your immune system in top condition, and able to fight off would be invading bacteria and viruses. You can also take preventative measures. Try to stay away from crowded places, keep sani-wipes and alcohol based hand sanitizers on you at all times. Always have protective supplies in your bug out bag, and even on you such as a pair of gloves, and a surgical mask. You can get the fancy N-95 masks, but for carrying on you every day, get a few surgical masks. They are inexpensive, and easy to carry. Increase your physical activity level slowly. This will help to get you in shape, and also helps to keep your body healthy, and immune system fighting strong, just do it!
Eliminate Your Debt
This should be number one for all of us, but sometimes getting out of debt takes a little time. And personally, I don’t really feel we have a lot of time, which is why I feel food storage is the most important thing to think about. But once you get a nice little pantry going, really work on getting out of debt. This is not something you want to have to worry about when it gets ugly. Have you read the stories where collectors are beginning to put people in debtor’s prisons? Or how about the student loan people that broke into a man’s home in the middle of the night looking for his wife because she was behind on her student loans? Things are getting ugly, and the less debt you have, the better off you will be. So take baby steps to paying off your debt, and then making sure you don’t get into it again. How to take baby steps you ask? Check out Dave Ramsey’s website for some valuable information, and motivational words to help get you on the path to financial freedom.
Invest In Hard Assets
I bet your thinking, what? Hard assets? You bet. Just like building your food storage, invest in things that will not only hold their value, but have the potential to increase in value, especially when no one has it, but wants or needs it. You don’t have to think big right away. Think small, and outside of the box. What do people always want when they can’t get to the store? What would you want when you can’t get to the store? Think about that, and then think, what if there was no store, or you couldn’t afford to go to it. Thinking this way will help you to understand what hard assets are. And once you have a nice little stockpile of indispensable things, start planning larger. Think about firewood, land, well items, and think even bigger, like land, and so on. Starting small and building up is the best way to make purchases like these. Not only will you have your comfort items, but you will have items with which you can barter, or sell if things get rough.
Practice New Skills
Woulda, coulda, shoulda. How many times have you planned on learning something new, or refining a skill only to put it off? We are all guilty of doing this. But instead of putting it off, do it first, and put off doing something like catching up on your favorite television show. We all need down time, and make it a goal to learn something new every week that you can put to good use. After you have done your ‘chore’ of learning, then make time to relax, and take your mind off of prepping, just for a little bit. It is better to learn a new skill and be proficient in it then to just think about doing it. You are the only obstacle you will encounter when learning something new. So don’t be an obstacle, and just do it! Not sure what you could do? Here are a few examples:
- Learn basic first aid
- Learn how to make a water filter
- Learn how to start a fire
- Cook in a Dutch oven
- Go to the shooting range
I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Put your thinking cap on, and grab a notebook. Make a list of everything you can think of that you want to know how to do. Kind of a bucket list for being prepared. You can take it a step further, and make a list of as many emergency scenarios you can think of that may happen, and make a plan of how to be prepared for them. I challenge you to be a jack of all trades, and a master of none!
Call Me Crazy, But I Can Feel It Coming…
With the way our society is changing we all need to do the best we can, and be prepared for when whatever comes our way. The best way to become more prepared is to take baby steps, and do something every single day. Put together a first aid kit, build your bug out bag, build up your pantry, learn some new skills and most importantly share your knowledge with others. Like it or not, we are all in this together and the more we can work together, the better off we will ALL be. Lisa SurvivalistPrepper.net
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