Saving Money Prepping with CouponsWith as much as there is to buy what it comes to preparing we are always looking for a way to save a few bucks here and there. One option is to save money with prepping using coupons. Although it does take some time upfront clipping coupons and getting everything together, the benefits can be huge depending on how much time and energy you put into it.

Getting started using coupons does not have to be an overwhelming task. It is just like everything else we do, baby steps! Start by planning out your shopping trip, and coordinating that with the local sale flyers from your local stores. And don’t just think about the grocery store ads, also remember places like CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid.

Or if you don’t have these specific drug stores in your area, look within your local drug store. Most of these places not only have weekly flyers, but many of them also have coupons as well as store loyalty cards. This is where you can really save a lot of money on personal care items such as toiletries, cleaning supplies, and odds and ends.

You don’t have to rely on just finding the coupons within your Sunday paper, and store flyers, look to the pros online, like…

Print out the coupons you like, and then get them organized in some way so they are easy for you to find when you get to the grocery store. You can choose to use a coupon binder, or small accordion type file, or whatever works best for you.

You can get creative too, by enlisting the help of others. For example, if you have friends or neighbors that get the paper, ask them if you can have their coupons, the worst they are going to do is say no, right? I bet a lot of them don’t even use the coupons, so why not see if you could have them.

Start small, and then when you have some success, build on it. Start keeping track of the grocery store sale cycles.

Topics we Discussed in the Podcast

This week we had Traci on who has been couponing for 30 years and believe it or not started clipping coupons as a teenager. Here are some of the things we talked about in the show this week…

SPP115 Saving Money Prepping With Coupons

  • Getting started using coupons.
  • Some ways to get extra coupons.
  • How much time does the planning and coupon clipping stage take.
  • What are the best websites and apps for couponing? (Listed Above)
  • I have seen a couple of extreme couponing shows, is this realistic?
  • What would be a good way for someone to get started, who doesn’t have any experience with coupons?
  • Any useful tips that have helped you to get you to where you are with you amazing skills?
  • How much time does it take to do this? Walk us through an average week for you.
  • Suggestions on keeping your coupons Organized.
  • Other than news papers are there websites that you can go to? And what are some other ways to find coupons or just good deals.
  • What are some of your couponing techniques and/or processes?

Monthly Shopping Deals

Monthly Shopping Deals

I found this incredible list at LivingRichlyOnABudget and for a more detailed list make sure and have a look at her website. You will also find other money saving tips while you’re there.


Super Bowl Sunday: Pepsi, Coke, Chips, Dips, Cheese, Sandwich Items, Crackers, Snacks, Wings.

Clearance: Christmas Decorations, Toys, Wrapping Papers,


National Canned Food Month: Canned Fruit, Pie Fillings, Vegetables, Meats: Tuna, Chicken, Salmon


Frozen Food Month: Ice Cream, Frozen Vegetables (Boxed, Bag, or Steam), Frozen Meals, Foster Farms Chicken, Waffles, Pizza


Easter:  Ham, Eggs, Spices, Baking Supplies: Sugar, Spices, Baking Mixes, Chocolate Chips, Butter, Coconut, Marshmallows, Brownie Mix, Cake Mix

Earth Day: Organic Foods, Energy Saver, Reusable Totes

Clearance: After Easter sales


Memorial Day: BBQ Sauce, Condiments, Charcoal, Salad Dressing, Potato Chips, Dips, Grilling Meats, Hot Dogs, Hamburger Meat, Marinade, Salad Greens

Paper Products: Plates, Utensils, Insect Repellant, Sunscreen


National Dairy Month: Eggs, Milk, Ice Cream, Cheese, Cream Cheese, Butter, Yogurt, Whipping Cream, Whipped Cream, Cool Whip

End of June is Fourth or July Sales: Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, BBQ Sauce, Ketchup, Condiments, Charcoal, Salad Dressing, Potato Chips, Dips


More 4th of July BBQ Sales: Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, BBQ Sauce, Ketchup, Condiments, Charcoal, Salad Dressing, Potato Chips, Dips

End of July: Back to School Sales Begin: Crayons, Pencils, Folders, Binders


Back to School: Pudding cups, Lunch meat, Lunchables, Bread, Cold Cereal, Waffles, Lunchboxes

Clearance:  Insect Repellant, Sunscreen, Charcoal


Back to School Sales through Labor Day:  Crayons, Pencils, Folders, Binders

Baby Items: Major Baby Equipment, Baby Safety


Halloween: Candy, Fresh Pumpkin

Beginning of the Baking Sales: Canned pumpkin, Evaporated Milk, Baking Chips.

Daylight Savings Time Ends Promotions: Alarm Clocks, Batteries, Safety Equipment, Smoke Detectors


Baking Sales in Full Swing: Nuts, Chocolate Chips, Evaporated Milk, Sweetened Condensed Milk, Coconut, Cake Mixes, Hot Cocoa, Coffee, Tea.

Canned foods: Soup, Broth, Vegetables, Fruits, Spaghetti Sauce

Thanksgiving Items: Turkey, Canned Pumpkin, Stovetop Stuffing, Betty Crocker Boxed Potatoes, Gravy Mixes, Frozen Pies, Cranberry Sauce, Jell-O.


Holiday Dinner: Egg Nog, Deli Platters, Instant Potatoes, Gravy Mixes, Frozen Pies, Cranberry Sauce, Jello, Marshmallows. Sour Cream Dips, Crackers, Chips, Soda, Ham

Baking: Flour, Sugar, Butter, Cream, Cake Mix, Brownie Mix, Muffin Mix, Breads, Pie Crust, Marshmallow, Whipped cream

Canned Foods: Soup, Broth, Condensed Milk, Vegetables, Fruits, Spaghetti Sauce

Clearance: After Thanksgiving and After Christmas Sales

And the key to saving money, and stocking up, is to buy the things when they are at their lowest prices. So even if you don’t have a lot of coupons, by purchasing items when they are at their lowest price, you will be saving money, and then you won’t be spending the premium price at other times of the year.

Unfortunately couponing has gotten some bad publicity, thanks in part to shows like extreme couponing, but don’t let that detour you from saving money. You may not be able to walk out with two carts full of groceries and spend $5.86, at first, but with some due diligence, you will be able to save money while preparing some amazing meals for your family!

Not only can you save money with clipping coupons, but you can also use that extra money to add to your long term food and supply storage.

If you save $20.00 by using coupons, or buying items that are on sale, or both, you can take that extra $20.00 and use it to buy additional items to add to your long term goal. And the more you practice this, the better you will become. It is a pretty great feeling to spend less at the store, but you are actually bringing home more.

So what are you waiting for?????

Start clipping those coupons!

10 Things You Should Never Buy Again

10Things You should Never Buy again coverI also has yet another book published on Amazon titled 10 Things You Should Never Buy Again.

Academy Members: You can get this book free (and all the other books) here at the Academy, but remember you must be logged in to view the books page.

Here is an excerpt from the description…

“When you go to the store, you are bombarded with millions of products that the manufactures want you to buy. Their main goal is to separate you from your hard earned dollars. And they will do whatever they can to get you to fork out the money to buy their “stuff”. And they are very good at doing that.

But what if you never had to buy any of that stuff ever again? How much money could you save?” READ MORE HERE…

Tin Foil Hat Time

One World Government

This week in the Tin Foil Hat Time segment of the show we talked about Agenda 2030 which is basically a blueprint for so-called “sustainable development” around the world…translation, “World Government” We found this article that goes into detail about what this could all mean when you read between the lines.

As much as they would like us to believe this is all sunshine and roses, we know it never turns out that way.

New to Prepping?

If you are just beginning your preparedness journey you will find this video very helpful. Along with this video we will be sending you some email’s over the next few weeks that will give you some tips and resources to make life a little easier. Click here to watch the video.

The Preparedness Myth…

The preparedness Myth video series will also help even if you have been doing this for a while. It will give you tips about saving money, organization as well as a few bonuses along the way. Click here to watch the video.

Leave Us A Review On iTunes:

Reviews are always appreciated and I will be reading the reviews on the show along with shout outs for sharing great comments and emails. Head over to iTunes and leave us a review and help us grow.

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As a registered nurse, a mother of 5 and Dale's wife I post on this website from time to time about what I know and love, Preparing my family to survive any sort of unforeseen situations. Most of my articles will probably be based on medical needs and prepping techniques, but you never know, I may surprise you every now and then.

    2 replies to "Saving Money Prepping With Coupons"

    • John

      When Tracy was introduced, her last name was not mentioned. Does she have a website? I’d like to find out if she has any information from her husband – the soil doctor. It would be great if he can come on your podcast in the spring.

      • Dale

        No she doesn’t but she definitely knows her stuff and would do very well if she did. As far as her husband, We will have him on guaranteed. Thanks John!

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