SPP093 Sam Splints, Chest Seals and Wound DressingsToday is our second video/audio podcast about Sam Splints, Chest Seals and Wound Dressings, you can find the video of this episode on the show notes or on our YouTube channel Prepsurvive. Lisa and I went over a few different wound dressings and how to use them today, as well as any SHTF situation.

We also talked about why Quick Clot and Celox might not be the best option and can actually do more damage if you don’t know what you are doing. It’s important to know that while using Quick Clot will stop bleeding it is only a temporary fix and can cause further issues.


Quick Clot is clay like material and has the potential of traveling through the blood stream and cause a stroke in the future. It is also important to note that Quick Clot needs to be removed by someone who knows what they are doing (a surgeon) as soon as possible after it is applied because it is a foreign substance and your body will fight to remove it possibly causing infection.

Lisa and I disagree a little bit on this because I think that if you are in an SHTF scenario and you have 2 choices, bleed out or use Quick Clot I would use the Quick Clot. However if you do use this you will need to be able to find someone who knows how to debride the wound, meaning they would need to scrape everything out making the wound bigger.

In this video we discuss this a little more, as well as demonstrate how to dress a wound and how to use a chest seal.

Sam Splints

Sam Splints come in a few different shapes and sizes, in this video we used the small finger splint size, but there are larger ones and even Sam Splints that are rolled up. I think these are a great idea to have in your bug out bag, they weigh almost nothing and if you get the a flat one it will easily fit in your bag without taking up much room.

Laceration or Small Puncture Wounds

In the video we also went over how to dress a laceration and why doing this properly can save you and the victim from further issues down the line. This type of dressing is the most common dressing and can be used for many different injuries.

Steri Strips

We also demonstrated the proper way to use a Steri Strip. This might seem a little simple but there is a right and wrong way to use a steri strip when stitches are not necessary or not an option.

Burn Wounds

Depending on the severity of a burn wound they require different treatment. In the video we showed how to treat a first degree burn, a second degree burn and a third degree burn.

Hyfin or Bolin Chest Seal

This is another first aid item that I think would be useful in a bug out bag, again though make sure you know how to properly use it. Bolin Chest Seal allows air out of the body while not allowing air in. This is used on the trunk of the body where the vital organs are.

The Bug Out Bag Firstaid Kit

The Bug Out Bag First Aid Kit with Knife

Click Here to Visit the SHTFshop.com

S.P.T.V. Episode #2

In  the first episode of Survivalist Prepper Television we talked to Tom from the Prepared Ninja and he put together a PDF that lists out what you would need in a good trauma kit. Here are the notes for that show.

This episode is going to be about battery banks and alternative power with Ken for the Prepper Podcast and a guest podcast listener. I also did a couple of podcasts with Ken that gave me the motivation to build my own portable solar generator.

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S.P.T.V. is a show for preppers by preppers about what we are all doing. Everyone’s situation is different and while many aspects of prepping are universal, one size does not fit all.

  • Different guests every show
  • From Bloggers to everyday preppers like you.
  • SPTV is about getting different perspectives.
  • Learning about what you feel is important.
  • Giving a voice to the everyday prepper/survivalist.
  • Becoming more prepared and helping each other out along the way.

My vision for the show…

Each week we will have different guests on ranging from the average prepper at home to some of the preparedness experts we all know.
Each show will be on a certain topic and we will have a round table discussion about questions the listeners ask.

Be part of the Show!

If you would like to join in on one of the shows just email me at survivalistprepperdale@gmail.com and let me know. I want to have 2 or 3 guests on each week so if you can’t get on this week (or month) theres always next time.

The Preparedness Myth…

The preparedness Myth video series will also help even if you have been doing this for a while. It will give you tips about saving money, organization as well as a few bonuses along the way. Click here to watch the video.

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Reviews are always appreciated and I will be reading the reviews on the show along with shout outs for sharing great comments and emails. Head over to iTunes and leave us a review and help us grow.

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Survival and being prepared should not only be a passion, it should be a lifestyle. The definition of a prepper is "An individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances, without substantial resources from outside sources" Like the Government, police etc. I don't believe that the end of the world will be the "end of the world" I believe it will be the end of the world as we know it now. You can also find me on Google Plus and Twitter

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