Preparing for short-term disaster scenarios is easy, and most of us have that figured out, but what about the longer term disasters? 

The reality of survival and the truth of how prepared we might be, are usually quite different than the picture we have in our heads. While we might get a nice cozy feeling thinking that we can handle any disaster that comes our way, that won’t do us any favors in an actual survival situation. 

In today’s show, I want to touch on an article I came across that goes over some mistakes preppers make on their way to a higher level of preparedness. 

I also want to talk about prepper complacency because that’s a mistake all preppers make at one point or another. While it’s human nature to let our guard down occasionally, we can’t fall asleep at the wheel.

Link: Prepper Mistakes On The Way To Higher Level Preparedness 

The New Bug Out Location & Prepping Group

I mentioned in the show that I am currently working on the BOL 3.0 and setting up a preparedness community to go along with it. While the membership website is a work in progress, the membership community is up and running. 

There are a couple of paid plans, but you can join for Free and “kick the tires,” if you will. The free plan has a chat group that works similarly to Facebook. Post pictures, articles, and links, or ask a preparedness question. 

Check out the Survivalist Prepper Community Here

This community will also be the best place to get ahold of me and get updates about the new BOL, Survivalist Prepper, and anything I have planned for the future. 

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Survival and being prepared should not only be a passion, it should be a lifestyle. The definition of a prepper is "An individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances, without substantial resources from outside sources" Like the Government, police etc. I don't believe that the end of the world will be the "end of the world" I believe it will be the end of the world as we know it now. You can also find me on Google Plus and Twitter

    2 replies to "SPP375: Higher Level Prepping Mistakes & Complacency"

    • Jan Vessell

      My plan in dealing with the water situation is that I live wihtin a short walk to a large creek and a run off stream. I live in a rural area and have my own well. Problem would be to get a man to come to my house and replace the electric pump with a manual hand pump.. Bit of work but doable.

      Problem in that I’ll be 80 next year and am a widow. Grew up as a farm girl and can raise rabbits and chickens, Would need cages. But I thnk I could either buy what I need or make some. Problem is anticipating the on coming diaster so have some time to buy animal cages and get the well pump switched over to manual That, or the creek is within a short walk, even at my age. How do we anticipate the diaaster?? My fear is nuclear devistation. I live 20 miles from St.Louis,MO and that could be a target city and the problem in STL might bleed over to where I live,

    • Lois

      We have worked, very hard, to secure everything we feel we will need to survive a SHTF situation. Our preps should last, at least, a year or more. We have also prepared our garden and “food” animals, that will serve us in the future. My biggest concern at this point is, our response to strangers that show up at our door. My nightmare is, a family with kids with nothing, knocking at my door.

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