Today’s show is a live video I did with Vision Preparedness and The Roaming Prepper about what we can expect from the surge of “special interest” gotaways at the southern border.

We discussed what that might mean for us on an individual level, as well as the country as a whole. Because the floodgates are open, and everyone knows it, it seems like it’s not only possible but probable that we see some terrorist attack.

The Middle East, China, and European countries all have a bone to pick with the U.S. for different reasons, so it’s anyone’s guess what it might be.

Links mentioned in the show…

Visit Vision Preparedness on YouTube

Visit The Roaming Prepper on YouTube

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Survival and being prepared should not only be a passion, it should be a lifestyle. The definition of a prepper is "An individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances, without substantial resources from outside sources" Like the Government, police etc. I don't believe that the end of the world will be the "end of the world" I believe it will be the end of the world as we know it now. You can also find me on Google Plus and Twitter

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