In this episode Lisa and I talk about 3 different levels of first aid kits, beginner kits, intermediate kits and advanced first aid supplies. Keep in mind if you are at the point of having an advanced first you should probably take a CMT class or a first aid class to be able to use the first aid equipment before you spend the money on it.
Lisa had me make a PDF of the notes below for everyone to print off, you can download that here.
Important: this article is not medical advice, If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.
1. Simple First Aid Kit
(Good Starting point great for cars, or a travel kit in a car as well)
- Band Aids
- Alcohol swabs
- 4×4 gauze (in sterile 2 piece packs) (12)
- Rubbing alcohol (16oz)
- Vet wrap (2 rolls) (Coban)
- Cling gauze (3”)
- Ace waps (3”, and 6”)
- Silvasorb Gel
- A pair of bandage scissors
- 1 roll of tape (medical)
- 1 box of nitrile gloves (ladies medium, men, large or ex large)
- Tongue Depressors (Make great splints for fingers!)
- Hand Sanitizer
- Instant cold packs
- Duct Tape
- A bandana
- A container to store everything in
2. Intermediate First Aid Kit
(This is a build-up on the basic kit) You can find out more information on this website.
And We also wrote a post about what some of these supplies are. You can read that article here.
Increase the count of all the items for your simple kit, starting by increasing each item by at least 1-2
- 2 x 2 sterile gauze pads
- Non sterile 4 x 4 gauze (200 per bag)
- Kerlix gauze
- Hypafix adhesive tape
- CPR Mask
- Mepilex foam pads (4×4) (box of 5)
- Mepitel pads (2)
- Xeroform gauze
- Adaptic dressing
- Aquacel AG dressing
- Israeli Bandage Battle Dressing (trauma dressing)
- Long q-tips
- Betadine sticks (q-tips)
- Chlora-prep sticks
- ABD pads (2)
- Surgical masks (5)
- Headlamp, or flash light
- Tourniquet
- Suture removal kit
- Chucks Pads (blue pads that are very absorbent)
- Butterflies, or steri-strips in different sizes
- Mastisol (for keeping steri strips in place.-or Benzoin)
- Ammonia Innhalants
- Saline Solution (even contact solution-just plain saline)
- Witch Hazel
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Diaper Rash Ointment
And every day medicines, such as:
- Tylenol
- Aspirin
- Ibuprofen
- Hydrocortisone Cream
- Benadryl, both liquid and pill form
- Antacid (Tums-Calcium Carbonate)
- Anti-diarrheal
- Vicks Vapor Rub
- Epsom Salt
A Larger container will be needed for this kit, and if you have compartments that you can keep things separated and easily visible it will make it even better.
3. Advanced First Aid Kit
You will need to keep adding items to your kit from the simple kit and the intermediate size kit, plus these are some extra items to have. They may be some expensive additions, but will be worth it in case you need to use them. But before you spend a lot of money on the more advanced stuff, maybe consider taking an EMT class, and learning about trauma, and injuries where these items will be useful.
- HALO Chest Seal – High Performance Occlusive Dressing for Trauma wounds
- Medihoney dressing (2 x 2 size and 4 x 4 size)
- Suture kit/Staple kit
- IV start kits
- Liter bags of normal saline
- Blood Pressure Kit (sphygmomanometer)
- Nice stethoscope (Littman is very nice, I like the cardiology 3 one, you can hear REALLY well)
The Preparedness Super Stack
In the show this week I mentioned a great package prepping bundle which is a hand-curated collection of premium ebooks, ecourses, membership communities and other resources from top experts and thought leaders in the preparedness space that will show you the best ways to implement permaculture, survive in the wild, live fully off the grid and safely and efficiently bug out if and when the SHTF.
This Super Stack also includes a 1 year membership to the Survivalist Prepper Academy absolutely free!
Inside The Off the Grid Super Stack you will learn how to…
- Plan your escape into a new world of possibilities by going “off the grid”
- Develop the fundamental skills to survive outdoors
- Grow your own food with a prepper garden
- Begin homesteading… Even if you are just starting out and don’t think you have the resources.
- Take the confusion and frustration out of becoming better prepared.
- Prepare you and your family for almost any emergency or disaster.
- Discover skills that are important but that people usually overlook.
- Master the step by step process of surviving any emergency or disaster, big or small.
- Design, build & manage your own off-grid electrical system.
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1 Response to "The 3 Levels of First Aid Kits (Part 1)"
Below are some of the things I am adding to each Level to help customize for my family. Hope this helps with yours and others as well 🙂
Level 1
– Tweezers
– Nail clippers/metal nail file
– Clear nail polish/Super Glue
– Needles & Fishing Line
– Lighter/Matches
– 10 sheets of Aluminum Foil (have a make-shift sterilizable tray)
– Pocket Knife/Multi-tool
– Soft Peppermints (for nausea and upset stomachs)
– Thermal blanket
– 2 sticks of Bee’s Wax Candles
– Instant Hand Warmers
Level 2
– Ziploc bag of charcoal
– Magnifying glass
– Leather strap (approximately 6″ x 2″ x 1″…for biting)
– Amoxicillin
– Tent/tarp
Level 3
– Medical tongs
– Medical Rubber Tubing
– Foam – Assorted shapes/sizes (vacuum compressed in zip-loc bags to make things like neck brace, etc)
– Bry Inflatable Lounger