Although most of us can’t go as much as we would like,taking vacations and traveling is something we are bound to do at one point or another. This could be for work, for family events, or just to take a break from the daily grind.

Whether for work or for play, it’s important we plan out our trips and understand the dangers we may face. While going on vacation is a great way to unwind, having your belongings stolen or being physically harmed could turn your wonderful vacation into a nightmare.

This week Lisa and I talked to Kevin about travel planning and some tips to insure things go as smoothly as possible. For those of you who don’t know Kevin he runs The Wilderness Safety Institute and has been on the show several times in the past.

SPP281 Travel Planning and Safety Tips

This week we covered some travel safety tips for traveling out of the country, as well as domestically. While some of these tips aren’t exclusive to prepping, they are suggestions everyone should employ. 

Pictures: Take pictures & upload to online storage, or email yourself. This way you can access them from anywhere with an internet connection. This includes pictures of kids and important documents like drivers licenses, passport, etc…

Hotel Peepholes: Because there are reverse viewing devices that can be used on peepholes it’s important to tape over them. This is important for personal privacy, as well as making sure someone can’t scout your room for valuables and come back when your out. 

Door Wedges: Some people may think this is weird, and some don’t leave home without one. A simple door wedge will make it very hard for someone to burst into your hotel room. Some even come with alarms that will alert you. 

Scams: When traveling outside the country it’s important to know what scams are prevalent in that area. Inside the U.S. we should do our research on where we are traveling and familiarize ourselves with that area. 

Your Itinerary: Make sure when you go on a trip or vacation that someone knows what your schedule is, and check in occasionally. If everything doesn’t go according to the plan you left they can alert the authorities. 

Carrying Cash: Like the saying goes “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. If you have cash in several different places, it won’t be the end of the world if you get robbed. Travelers checks are also a good idea. 

You’ve Got Mail: At times there are items we want with us but don’t feel comfortable taking them to the airport. One method preppers use to Mail belongings to themselves. It’s much easier to mail your bug out bag than risk interrogation with the TSA. 

What’s in Your Wallet? Regardless where you go in the world, pickpockets are everywhere. You are less likely to get pick pocketed if you carry your cash & cards in front pocket rather than your wallet or purse. 

ATM’s: As preppers we are (or should be) more aware of our surrounding than others, but people at ATM’s can be an easy target for criminals. Always be aware of your surroundings, and aware of the situation. 

Public Wifi: These days you can get on the internet just about anywhere. Because these networks are unprotected, you can unwittingly give hackers access to your personal information. Avoid banking and anything else critical over public WiFi.

Strength in Numbers: This may go without saying, but never travel alone, and especially at night. Criminals are predators and will target the weakest victim when possible. 

Local Laws: If you travel somewhere inside the U.S. make sure you know the local laws. You may be able to conceal carry in your state, but the laws may be different across state lines. 

Situational Awareness: Regardless whether you are going to the store or going to Mexico, situational awareness should be something you practice daily. We can stay out on many dangerous situations if we are paying attention. 

Survivalist Prepper Academy Discount

In the show this week I mentioned that I am doing quite a bit of work at the Survivalist Prepper Academy, and have a limited time discount available. You can take advantage of this discount by going here:

Over the next couple of months I will be adding a couple of courses and updating some of the existing courses. Some of the new courses include Disaster Scenarios, Wilderness Skills and Prepping, and Prepper Communications.

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Survival and being prepared should not only be a passion, it should be a lifestyle. The definition of a prepper is "An individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances, without substantial resources from outside sources" Like the Government, police etc. I don't believe that the end of the world will be the "end of the world" I believe it will be the end of the world as we know it now. You can also find me on Google Plus and Twitter

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