The Preparedness Challenge From Survivalist PrepperWith September being preparedness month we decided to do the Preparedness Challenge from Survivalist Prepper and see how many of these challenges we can complete by the end of the month.

It’s really easy to visit websites and watch videos, but getting your hands dirty is what it’s all about. We all have a list of things that we know we should do and think we can do, but we never really know until we actually do it.

Take the power grid for example, we all know how fragile it is, and most of us have been without power for short periods of time, but have you ever gone 48 hours without electricity?

It’s important to understand how rough the situation will be. The only way to really find out how your family will react is to actually go through it.

The Preparedness Challenge on Facebook

Lisa and I have put together a private Facebook group to challenge not only us, but anyone else who wants to join in and put their skills to the test. You can join by clicking here.

What are the rules? There are none…Just learn something and do something.

This is not a competition, it is just a way for us to test ourselves, have some fun and learn something along the way.

You can post pictures, videos or just write about your experience and let everyone know how it worked for you.

We have some of the challenges listed below or you can use them as ideas and make up your own. We will be also adding some extra challenges along the way.

  • Fire making with Ferro rods or mag bars.
  • Setting up a trap or snare.
  • Go 24 (or 48) hours without electricity.
  • Cooking with food from your preps.
  • 24/48 hours with no running water.
  • Take a hike with your BOB.
  • Building a backyard survival shelter.
  • Make a get out of debt plan.
  • Do preventative maintenance on your gear.
  • Inventory your supplies.
  • Complete a threats assessment.
  • Cook food that creates no smell.
  • Navigate using a compass and map.
  • Heat up water on a camp stove and make a prep meal (freeze dried food package like Mountain House) and post a review of the meal.
  • Share at least one recipe with food made from scratch (bread, biscuits, yogurt, muffins, etc.).
  • Make something homemade, churn butter, homemade soap, make cottage cheese, etc.
  • Go fishing using your emergency fishing kit.
  • Target practice with a slingshot, hand gun, BB gun or Bow and arrow etc.
  • Make a homemade cooking device, rocket stove, solar oven etc.
  • Do a review on one of your guns
  • Eat something you might need to eat post collapse, cat tails, dandelions etc.
  • Make fire with light or water, magnifying glass, water bottle etc.
  • Make an improvised weapon.
  • Start a fire without using a lighter.
  • Make a family communications plan.
  • Time your bug out plan.
  • Learn a new skill.
  • Do something that you have been putting off.

Here are a couple of videos that are up already.

It’s only the first week of September and Sam is half way through the list…

Starting Fire


S&W 66-1 Gun Review


Long Bow Practice Preparedness Challenge


How to Apply a Compression Dressing


You don’t need to join the group to complete any of these challenges, the important thing is to just do it. Like the saying goes “almost only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades” and if we talk ourselves into thinking we are ready we could be in for a tough transition if the S hits the fan.

This is why I am always trying to build something like my long bow or my hidden counter top extension, not only do I like doing stuff like this, I also learn something along the way. From starting fire with cotton balls to rubbing sticks together, it’s important to learn these skills now before we actually need to use them.

Do you have any ideas that aren’t on the list? let us know in the comments below.


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Survival and being prepared should not only be a passion, it should be a lifestyle. The definition of a prepper is "An individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances, without substantial resources from outside sources" Like the Government, police etc. I don't believe that the end of the world will be the "end of the world" I believe it will be the end of the world as we know it now. You can also find me on Google Plus and Twitter

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