Fish AntibioticsThis is part one of a two-part series on antibiotics in a post collapse or an SHTF situation. In this show Lisa and I talk about antibiotics and fish antibiotics for any sort of post collapse situation. In any sort of SHTF situation getting our hands on a large amount of prescription medications could be difficult if not impossible.

There are quite a few articles about fish antibiotics but not many of them go through what some of these antibiotics actually do. For example, it’s great that we know that fish – mocks is amoxicillin, but what does amoxicillin actually do?

Fish antibiotics could possibly be a solution in this situation, these antibiotics have the same properties as prescription antibiotics. In this episode we go over some of the different types of fish antibiotics which include…

In this article here we explain what these different fish antibiotics are and what they could be used for.


Links Mentioned in the Show

Study: The overuse of antibiotic ointments and MRSA

The expiration dates Of fish antibiotics. This page explains when this company bought the antibiotics and when they expire. Mose are between 1.5 and 3 years.

How to grow bacteria in a petri dish. Most of us will not have the equipment in our bug out bags to do a bacteria culture, but for the mad scientists out there here is how you do it.

Voodoo Survival and Awesome Articles

Voodoo Survival LOGO1From Voodoo Survival: Lake Claiborne State Park is hosting a basic survival class with Voodoo Survival.They have 10 positions left so we are giving away a Voodoo Survival t-shirt!

Get 1 Awesome Article in your inbox. You deserve awesomeness! When you wake up in the morning and eventually get to your email, don’t you want to find something awesome in your inbox?

Coming Up!

In this episode we also started to talk about the over usage of antibiotics and how to use them in a post collapse situation and the dangers of using the wrong antibiotic. In the next episode we go into further detail about all of this and more.

The First Aid Course

Lisa and I are also working on a First Aid Course at the Survivalist Prepper Academy that will not only go through infections and antibiotics but  many other different wounds, supplies and procedures as well. Have a look at the video and see what we are doing.

Or you can take a sneak peak at the first 2 lessons in module 1 here. These will only be available to nonmembers for a limited time.

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Reviews are always appreciated and I will be reading the reviews on the show along with shout outs for sharing great comments and emails. Head over to iTunes and leave us a reviewand help us grow.

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Survival and being prepared should not only be a passion, it should be a lifestyle. The definition of a prepper is "An individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances, without substantial resources from outside sources" Like the Government, police etc. I don't believe that the end of the world will be the "end of the world" I believe it will be the end of the world as we know it now. You can also find me on Google Plus and Twitter

    1 Response to "SPP065 Fish Antibiotics Post Collapse"

    • Chris Fannon

      You showed 5 bottles of different Fish Antibiotics on your podcast listing.
      (Fish Cycline, Fish Zole, Fish Mox, Fish Flex, & Fish Pen)
      Do you have the manufacturer name or web address so I can find them to purchase?

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