When your Prepping Plans Hit a Road Block Part 1We are always evolving, and always preparing for the unknown. But what if the disaster you are preparing for never happens? Or, what if you have to move, or life happens, and what do you do when your prepping plans hit a road block and get derailed?

Even if we have tried to think about every hypothetical disaster scenario the we could possibly face, the odds are the situation won’t go as we planned. In an SHTF event everything going according to plan will be the exception, not the rule.

This is why it’s important to have a plan A, plan, B and plan C. And to make it more complicated, these plans need to intertwine so you can change course at a moment’s notice. That is what preparedness really is. Preparing for the unknown, and being flexible in your planning.

In this article from SHTFPlan.com titled 10 Prepping Mistakes That Could Get You Killed they go over some of the little things that could throw a monkey wrench into your survival plans, and we decided to take it a little further.

This week we talked about ways your prepping plan can become derailed in an emergency situation, and some things we can do to increase our chances starting today. Attention to detail is critical to our survival, and the time to prepare is now, because once the game starts all bets are off.

SPP 141 When your Prepping Plans Hit a Road Block Part 1


Critical Thinking

The most important quality, in my opinion, to a life of preparedness is being flexible. None of us ever know what is going to happen or when, so being flexible in an emergency situation is a vital part of being prepared. Facing confrontation, having enough supplies for a multitude of different scenarios, and always having a plan B, and a backup plan to that plan, is what makes you a prepper.

Critical thinking means that when you hit that road block you don’t just give up, you need to have the survival attitude and figure out an alternative option. Road blocks, loss of supplies, stress and emotions could all change the dynamics of our situation, and we need to be prepared for that.

Operational Security

There are 2 parts to operational security, how you handle yourself today, and how you handle situations when the S hits the fan. In the show we talked about how this is a double edged sward because you need people on your side, but giving out too much information could make you vulnerable.

With operational security comes situational awareness. The definition of situational awareness is having the mindset in which you are constantly evaluating your surroundings for dangerous situations and any potential threats to your safety.

The Government

If things get bad, and you have prepared, you can bet on it that the government will be looking out for their best interests, not yours. You have to keep this in mind especially if you are considered a prepper. There is already a law in place that allows the government to take your stuff “for the greater good” in the event of a national disaster.

If the SHTF, you can bet that the government will rationalize coming for your preps. Even is a situation where the government seems nonexistent, they can come back in the picture and say “we’re back, and we’re here to help”

Do what you can to plan for this. If this means you hide your preps, do it. If this means you have extra food and supplies in case the government men come knocking on your door, do it. Pay attention to what is going on in the world around you and have a plan.

Being the Lone Wolf

Although it may seem like the best plan to go it alone, eventually you will need the help of others in order to be successful with your long term prepping. To some this may seem like a no brainer, while others may have issues trusting other people, especially in a disaster situation.

But you have to get over this aversion to others. Start this planning now. Develop relationships with likeminded people, and find out how your skills and their skills can complement each other. It is like anything we do, and change is inevitable.

The more you work on it, the better you will become, so do it in baby steps. If you feel better prepping alone, do this for a while, but then begin putting yourself out there. If you have a significant other, bring them on board, slowly. You can do the same with family members, and continue to grow our network.

The most important thing to understand is that you cannot do this alone, there really is safety in numbers, and we are a social animal. Like it or not, you do need other people.

All Tools and No Knowledge

You have probably heard this a hundred times, but what would you do if you had nothing? All these tools are great, and make everything easier, but in the end they are just tools. We need to have the ability to improvise, and the only way to do that is to understand the complete process.

It’s great to have a good water filter, but if you don’t understand how water filtration works, you won’t be able to build your own if necessary. Depending on your Bic lighter to work every time is just setting yourself up for failure.

Coming Up…

IN part 2 we are going to go over tunnel vision, dealing with emotions and stress, the little things, and the survival mindset. To get an email when we post new articles subscribe to Survivalist Prepper by signing up in the sidebar on your right.

Also Mentions in the Podcast…

Latest Contest: This month we are giving away 2 Tac Bar Survival Ration Packages, an inside the waistband holster from Precision Holsters and a few packages of Bannock Boil in Bag Camping Meals (more on this below) To enter the contest click here.

Legacy Bannock Meals: We are happy to announce that Legacy Foods just added Bannock boil in bag camping meals to their inventory and we now have them available at the SHTFShop.com. These are similar to Mountain House meals and I am going to do a review on them in the near future.

Changing Earth and Armed Couples Podcasts: At the end of this week’s show I played a sneak peak of the interview we did with Sara Hathaway for her Changing Earth Podcast. Also on the show was Toby and his wife Melisa from the Armed Couples Podcast. You can listen to the full podcast when Sara publishes it next week.

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Survival and being prepared should not only be a passion, it should be a lifestyle. The definition of a prepper is "An individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances, without substantial resources from outside sources" Like the Government, police etc. I don't believe that the end of the world will be the "end of the world" I believe it will be the end of the world as we know it now. You can also find me on Google Plus and Twitter

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